Volunteer Story – Steph Wynne-Davey
21st June 2023
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Steph is our operations manager at Genesis Trust (which Bath Foodbank is a part of). She joined Genesis Trust in March 2022 as our Office Manager. Part of Steph’s role, alongside many others, is Volunteer Manager. Steph welcomes all our volunteers to Genesis Trust and Bath Foodbank and helps them to begin their volunteering journey with us.
‘I’ve known of and supported Genesis trust for several years and was a supermarket collection volunteer back in the early days of Bath Foodbank. Having worked in a library for over 20 years, I was ready for a change. What appealed to me the most about this role was the variety. I was going to be supporting the various projects in several ways, one of those ways is managing volunteers across all our projects. I always enjoy meeting and working with lots of people from different backgrounds and ages.’
Steph also loves the volunteer coffee mornings as she is able to catch up with all the volunteers and see how they are getting on in their roles.
‘I would like to develop Assemble, the new online volunteer management system that we use, and get more training opportunities onto this platform so that they are available to all volunteers. I am keen to continue with coffee mornings and I enjoy working with the project managers to discuss what their volunteer needs are. I am meeting with the Foodbank Manager soon to discuss volunteer roles in the foodbank and there may be some temporary volunteer roles coming up over the summer.’
If you would be interested in volunteering for one of our projects at Genesis Trust (Bath Foodbank, Genesis Life Projects or Furniture Shop) please keep looking at our website and social media for any upcoming volunteer opportunities.
Thank you, Steph!