School summer holiday food project 2019
17th September 2019
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Thanks to the on-going support from our generous donators and volunteers we were again able to provide help to the many struggling families over the long school summer holidays.
The Summer Project was offered to all Bath primary schools and was taken up by 19. The participating schools were issued letters by Bath Foodbank, which were then given to all families with children who were in receipt of free school meals. The letter allowed each family to access one of our foodbank centres each week to collect a food parcel aimed to supplement the family weekly shop. Over the 6-week break we gave out 541 food parcels, helping approximately 90 families (254 children approx.).
This year we teamed up with Fareshare who provided fresh fruit and vegetables at 2 of our centres, this was a pilot scheme which worked very well and we would like to continue this again in the future for each centre.
With your continued support we hope to run this very worthwhile project again next year.
Thank you.